't.v. violins'
't.v. violins'
i'm the kid with the crazy head
i sing the song that has no end
and i'm the one who doesn't go to bed
if you believed everything they said
*because talk is always cheap
when we play we play for keeps
what it is is what you see now
we got nothing up our sleeves now
do you find this hard to believe
can you believe what you see
or do you have to see it on t.v.
he's the guy with the wild ideas
and jeff dingo leaves girls in tears
and that one there has just slipped his gears
so i guess you're gonna hear what you hear
i'm the kid that won't go nowhere
and i'm never gonna cut my hair
you say it's round i say you're square
thats what they say but i don't care
(© sample/benear wreckreation media 2005)
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